Short Stories & E-Books by Natalie Guttormsson
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The Stories.

In the Company of Elves
In the wake of the Ragnarok Revolution, new alliances must be formed for mutual survival. When a Vanir named Ulfur finds himself lost on the battlefield and rescued by elves, he is forced to face some uncomfortable truths about his past, his kind, and the future of the entire hidden realm.

The Fall of the Queen of Elphame
The Eildon Tree Book 1
The Queen of Elphame longs to hang up her crown and retire in peace, but new threats to her Queendom keep her dream out of reach. When Queen Aranara is faced with an impossible decision between protecting the future of her realm and pursuing her own happiness, she meets a human who could change everything.
Will Aranara follow her heart or her duties as Queen of Elphame? Find out in The Fall of the Queen of Elphame, Book One in The Eildon Tree series.

The Case of the Missing Selkie
An Agnur & Ulfur Story
In this short story, Agnur and Ulfur are long-standing members of the Elven Queen's guard, tasked with protecting innocent humans from the clutches of mischievous Seelie folk. But what happens when the Queen abdicates her throne, and humans become the ones Seelies need protecting from? Find out in this Nordic adventure with our two favourite Seelies: Agnur & Ulfur.
"Times were tough in the Seelie Queendom. Queen Arannara’s centuries-long mission to ensure peace between the Hidden Realm and the Human Realm was in peril. She’d created the Queen’s guard to keep the peace between the two worlds. Ulfur had long served in the Queen’s special guard alongside his best friend, Agnur. They had completed hundreds of missions to save innocent human lives and arrest criminal creatures to be tried in the Seelie court. But humanity had shifted.
Humans grew bolder, no longer fearing the Seelie Folk as they used to, but daring to trap and “study” them when they could. There were increased cases of humans capturing Seelies (elves, fairies, tomten, brownies, and the like) and committing horrific acts upon them, making the moral line of “innocent” murkier than ever."
The Deacon of Dark River
A Haunted Winter Tale
Not even death can prevent the Deacon of Dark River from fulfilling his Christmas promise.
“I've witnessed many strange events in my lifetime, but that December night at Dark River was memorable for a few reasons. For starters, out of all my years stationed in the coastal community of Skagaströnd in the far north of Iceland, that winter was the quietest in terms of supernatural activity. In past centuries, a typical winter in Iceland featured many exciting incidents, from troublesome trolls to mischief caused by hidden folk to the yule time monsters that prowled the countryside in the nights leading up to Christmas day.
My job was to ensure none of my kind, the hidden folk, caused too much trouble in the world of humans.”

Ash Lad & the Sea Dragon
Some stories need to be retold.
Can a clumsy farm boy and a sword-wielding princess defeat an ancient sea dragon? Find out in the new retelling of the classic Scottish/Norwegian tale by Natalie Guttormsson.
“One quiet evening, long, long ago, off the northern coast of what we now call Scotland, the frigid black ocean began to churn. The surface of the water shifted from black to white and began to bubble, producing a layer of froth. No one was around to witness the large scaly nose break the surface, nor the eyes as orange as fresh lava pierce the night sky. The ancient sea dragon was awake and hungry from centuries of slumber.”