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Natalie's Favourites


Current Writing Project

Novel in Progress

Natalie is writing her first full novel, in addition to her short story series. Her book weaves the rich folklore of Iceland, Scotland, and other European cultures into an urban fantasy setting with a twist. You can follow her progress by joining her weekly newsletter.


Meet: Natalie Guttormsson

Natalie is a writer, blogger, and poet. She is the author of two collections of poetry, Nostalgia and Planting Seeds. She is currently writing her first novel, fueled by her obsession for Scandinavian and European folklore.


Growing up, Natalie had four secret desires: catch garden fairies, befriend a vampire, get accepted to Hogwarts, and become a writer. So far only one has come true. 


Natalie is a Canadian blend of Icelandic - English - Scottish - German. When she’s not lost in her own worlds, Natalie works as a copywriter for Fine Point Writing & Editing and lives with her family in Alberta, Canada.

Hear from Natalie every Friday + read new stories every month by joining Folklore Fridays.

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