What Readers Say...
The Fall of the Queen of Elphame
"I really enjoyed the story! I felt that it sustained a really amazing level of tension throughout the entire thing…not easy to do! I was also struck by how effortlessly the story reads. I hope there is more to come, I’m quite enthralled with the characters!" —Kevin

Free Story!
In the Company of Elves
In the wake of the Ragnarok Revolution, new alliances must be formed for mutual survival. When a Vanir named Ulfur finds himself lost on the battlefield and rescued by elves, he is forced to face some uncomfortable truths about his past, his kind, and the future of the entire hidden realm.
What Readers Say...
In the Company of Elves
"I thoroughly enjoyed reading In the Company of Elves. Guttormsson has created intriguing and likable characters, and writes with a voice that welcomes and engages the reader. While reading I feel fully immersed in their world and am excited for the next installment to see what happens to these characters and the land they inhabit." —Ali
Free Issue!
Behind the Pages
Go behind the pages of “In the Company of Elves” and dive into the mythology that inspired the events, explore the magical scenes from the story, and meet the cast of characters in this new digital magazine.
Inside You’ll Find:
A letter from the author (me)
The Vanir vs. The Alfar
Meet the Cast
Explore the Scene: The Healing Pool
Bonus Story

Meet the Creative Mastermind:
Natalie Guttormsson
Author | Wife & Mother | Podcaster | Copywriter
A strong love of history and folklore has fed my obsession with finding the common cultural threads contained in our stories. It is my mission to rewrite popular and obscure folk tales and bring them into the 21st century. My research and passion for misfits, underdogs, and visionaries inspired me to create the characters of Agnur, Ulfur, and all their friends, which makes the writing all the more magical.